Player details
From Fussballmanager Spielanleitung
With the player details you can take a look at the details stats and condition of your player.
Following data will be explained:
- Personal data
- Players name
- Players birthday
Every player got a specific day at which he will age every month. - Tricot number
You can give every player a number.
This number has no influence on the game, it is only used to get a better overview in live games and the team overview. - Age The age is an important information about your players. Every player has got an individual retirement age which cant be seen until its reached. That for you should always have young players on hand to replace them.
- Selfhood
This value will change very little by time. This value will influence the player in his single action behavior.
A little egoism cant be bad. - Temper
This value does influence the contract negotiations but also the behavior in duels.
This value is almost fixed and may only change a little. - Motivation The motivation does influence the players usage value. You can increase the motivation of your team with wise training, but the more effective way to increase the motivation is winning matches. You can also employ a motivation coach to increase the motivation.
- Abilities
- Usage value The usage value is a combination of the strength, fitness, motivation and his health status. The value shows the actual quality of the player, but it does not regard the values beside (e.g. header, feeling, dribbling) so think of them too while planning your lineup.
- Experience The experience influence the player beahvior in different match situations, a more experience player can react better. It also influence the [[Player improvement|players improvements. A player who plays will gain experience but a player who is sitting in reserve will lose experience. The experience also influence the market value.
- Fitness The fitness does influence the usage value of the player but it does also indicates how fast the exhaustion raise in the live match. The fitness can be increased by a good training but a good masseur is a more efficient way.
- Ball control
This value indicates the players ability to receive balls from middle range distances.
If a player accept the ball badly often this value should be checked and trained better, because this may lead to rebounds. - Feeling
This value has much in common with experience. It indicates the ability to handle the ball.
This is important in duels, for passes, penalty shots, corner shots and so on.
This value should be checked regualary. - Dribbling
This value is important for duels. - Freshness
The freshness value indicates the ability to sprint. A high freshness value can be important to get an advantage in the right moment. - Standarts
This value is important for standart situations, especially for the goali. - Penalty
Same as for standarts.
- Field positions This picture shows the favorite positions of the player. There are 6 positions + goalie aviable, the more positions a player has the more useful he is for the team. The positions also influence the market value.
- Contract
Here you will find the actual contract of the player with all details.
The bar indicates the players mood for new negotiation.
The player wont be in a good mood for a while after a failed negotiation.
It might be impossible to start new negotiations because the player will end his career. - Specials
This player is part of the league and cup lineup.
This player is part of the torunament and friendly lineup.
This player is actually injured.
This player has at least one yellow card, the exact amount is displayed. Only league and cup match cards count.
This player has a red card and is restricted to play the next league or cup match. Only league and cup match cards count.
This payers contract will expire in 10 or less days you should start the contract negotiations.
This player is on the transfer market.