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Start-Up informations and hints!

Welcome to GoalStar the online football manager! You can jump in the action instantly after your registration!

Set your lineup at

Basicly you should know: its all about the money!
that means you have to keep an eye on your Bank account.

At first you need to set your lineup! A league match takes place almost every day at 3:00 pm. So the first match might come sooner as expected and a

match without lineup means default loss. You can find the league scheduling on the game scheduling.

Also you should always try to keep a

positive Bank account. You can find the financial details in your balance at *Office->balance*. There are difference ways to increase your

Bank account:

*Sponsors are the easiest way to earn credits you can look for aviable sponsors at

stadium properly (each sector beeing enlarged cant be used while it is in constructing status).Hint: Participating in a friendly game of a team

with a grand stadium is useful if your stadium isnt enhanced that much!

*The environment also offers some interesting sources of

income so dont forget about it *Office->Environment*.

After finishing the financial issues you should take care of your team.

information before.

set both lineups *cup/league* and also *tourn./friendly*. Important: Dont buy new players because of bad results in the beginning this can lead to

financial ruin.

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