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The tension and excitement of the football matches make your fans hungry and thirsty.
You have to build snackbars to provide beer, soft-drinks and fast food to your fans and spectators.

The income from the snackbars depend on the number of snackbars, and of course on the number of spectators.
Besides the atmosphere in your stadium has an influence on the revenues due to the snackbars.

You can build up to 10 snackbars in your stadium. If you expand your stadium to the Megastadion, 
you are able build up to 25 snackbars. If to litte spectators visit your matches, of course the income of your
snackbars will decline.

Due to cold weather conditions your supporters will consume more hot meals and more alcoholic beverages. If the 
weather is very hot, the revenues of hot meals will decline. The worse the atmosphere in your stadium, the higher
is the consume of alcoholic drinks and of course the attendance to rampage.
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