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The men in black: Goalstar has serveral hundered individual referees for the matches.
Each referee has individual performing levels depending on skill and strictness", which
differ vom 10%-100%

Therefore each match is influenced by the decisions of the referees and their skills, their
strictness levels and of course by their perceived errors.

A stict refeee take more decisions like free-kicks, cards or penalties then a referee with
lower skills and will be more good for human errors.

 Referee performance levels:
Referees in the Goalstar Superleague have at least a skill level of 50%
Referees of the England League have at least a skill level of 30%
Referees of the 3rd Football Division have at least a skill level of 15%
Referees of the Conference League have no limitation

Im Pokal und internationalen Pokal pfeifen nur Schiedsrichter mit Fähigkeit von mindestens 50%.
Im Halbfinale liegt die Untergrenze bei 65%.
In the biggest and toughest matches like cups finales the referees have skill levels not less

than 80%.

Eine Grenzregelung für die Strenge gibt es nicht.

Um die Daten eines Schiedsrichters zu sehen, reicht es mit der Maus über seinen Namen in den Spielereignissen zu fahren.
Dies funktioniert sowohl während des Live-Spiels als auch in der Begegnungsansicht eines abgeschlossenen Spiels.

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